The Proposals
The Site
This former industrial site is sandwiched between Victorian terraces to the south, the 7 storey Airpoint building to the north and the proposed Sheene Way development to the east.
The existing site contains a 2 storey warehouse that has been derelict for several years. A steep bank to the north-east contains non-native western red cedar trees that provide limited ecological value.
Site opportunities include:
- Opportunity for new apartments to enjoy views to the south over the railway.
- Opportunity to step building to relate to context from low (3 storeys) to high (7 storeys).
- Opportunity to replace existing red cedar trees with a range of native species
- Opportunity to remove large delivery vehicles from Hope Road
Site risks include:
- Risk of overlooking into neighbours gardens and apartments.
- Risk of noise from railway.
Key Design Images

Image Credit: AHR
Design Development
Before producing our selected design we looked through a range of different versions which are below.
Version 1: Courtyard facing Argus Road houses (south-west)
- In this version a residents courtyard is used as a buffer between the Argus Road houses and the development.
- However, this open space allows all apartments to overlook nearby houses and gardens.
- The site is accessed via Hope Road which will bring increased traffic to this quiet cul-de-sac.
- The building mass steps from low to high across the site to relate to the context.
- The façade closest to Airpoint poses an overlooking risk due to its length.
- Most apartments to benefit from a southern orientation.

Version 2: Courtyard facing Airpoint (north-west)
- This version creates an inward-looking scheme with a welcoming green space open to the approach and Airpoint.
- The 3 storey wing helps to shield the Argus Road gardens from overlooking by the taller wing.
- Access walkways facing Argus Road would overlook neighbours gardens.
- Access is via Cripps Road which is an established route for Airpoint and refuse collection.
- The façade closest to Airpoint has been narrowed to reduce overlooking risk.
- Most apartments have courtyard views.

Selected Design
Courtyard facing railway and views (south-east)
- The courtyard is open to the south to allow in more daylight and better views out for residents.
- Access walkways are moved to the inside of the courtyard to eliminate overlooking towards Argus Road.
- The façade closest to Airpoint has been angled to reduce overlooking.
- Most apartments enjoy views of the courtyard and all benefit from a dual aspect layout.
- Inward-facing arrangement helps promote community spirit and the open courtyard ensures all residents enjoy partial views out to the south.

Proposed site plan

Approach Views
The height of the building matches the surrounding context – it steps gradually from 3 storeys to 7 storeys across the site – while the stepped form creates opportunities for roof terraces.

New building is 2m further back than the existing building which creates space for a landscaped boundary. Only bedrooms and bathrooms face this way meaning windows can be narrow to reduce overlooking. Pale coloured materials will reflect light into neighbouring gardens.

Cross Section

Sustainability and wellbeing

Our Consultation
We recently held a public consultation on this site dating from the 16th September to the 7th October 2024.
As part of the consultation, we hosted an in-person event at the Bedminster Methodist Church, British Road, Bedminster, Bristol, BS3 3BW on Wednesday 18th September, 3pm – 7pm , which introduced the team, shared our proposals, and allowed local people to provide feedback. The feedback received during the consultation will be reflected as much as possible in our proposals. A copy of the exhibition boards can be found here.
Whilst our formal public consultation period has passed, you are very welcome to contact us via the below methods.
By Email
By Phone
0800 1303270
If you are a member of a local organisation or you work for a business locally and you would like to speak to us, please get in touch using the contact form on this website or the contact details below and we would be happy to arrange this.